2024-09-19 14:55




大家可以通过 Steam 客户端或(覆盖)界面添加最近一起联运的玩家为好友。只需点击查看窗口(或在 Steam 覆盖界面查看玩家),再点击玩家。这将会打开一个近期一起玩过的玩家列表,并附有跳转至相应个人资料页面的链接。

另一个添加好友的方法是询问伙伴的 Steam 好友代码,这样就可以轻松地添加好友啦!仅需打开你的好友列表,点击右上方的“添加好友”。这将会进入到一个显示有你的专属好友代码的页面,同时有一个可输入他人代码的输入框,从这里向他们发送好友请求吧!

请确保你们在 Steam 平台已添加为好友,并且都拥有最新版本的游戏。满足这样的条件便可与你的 Steam 好友在线游戏。







一些玩家希望停留在较旧的游戏版本上,这也是有相当合理的原因的,可能会直到一个重要的MOD更新适配,而对于这一情况,我们会在 Steam 平台提供过往重要版本的更新分支。在默认情况下,Steam 会自动更新游戏,所以有需要的玩家可能考虑退出这些自动更新。不过请注意,将来欧洲卡车模拟2和美洲卡车模拟的所有更新都将包含联运多人模式。这意味着如果你不计划更新的话,将无法获取接下来的任何更新、内容及修复,而1.40也将成为不带联运的最终版本。








In our latest 1.41 update for?Euro Truck Simulator 2?and?American Truck Simulator, we introduced Convoy! Convoy is a new multiplayer game mode where players can set up and host their own private sessions (password optional) to drive with their friends or other fellow truckers. With synchronized AI traffic, time and weather, and the ability to take the same job as other players, lots of you have been enjoying trucking together.

However, we know that many of you still have questions about Convoy, which is why we are bringing this blog post with answers to the most frequently asked questions across our social media channels.

Eventually, yes. Convoy currently allows you to create and host an online session with up to 8 players. We expect to be able to raise the player limit in the future, however, we are keeping it small at this time due to its work-in-progress nature. There are important performance optimizations as well as better moderation tools?under development?that we would like to have in place first before increasing the limit.

Eventually, yes. We are looking into supporting third-party modifications in Convoy multiplayer sessions. While it's not technically so difficult to connect players with an identical set of mods, there are many potential problems to handle when it comes to coming up with a safe and robust way to synchronize sessions of players joining in with different mods, and then back again when they wish to revert to the previous state to continue playing with their regular player profile.

You can add someone you played with recently on Convoy via the Steam client or overlay. Just click on the view tab (or view players in the Steam overlay), then on players. This will bring up a list of players you recently played with and a link to their profiles.

Another alternative way of adding them would be to ask for their Steam friend code, which allows you to add them with ease!?Simply open your friends list and click on the 'Add Friend' located on the right-hand side of the top bar. This will take you to you a page that will show your unique Friend code and a space to enter another person's code, which will send them a friend request!

Make sure you are friends on Steam and that you both have the latest version of the game updated and that you are all?set to online?on your Steams friend list.

A possible reason you may not see a friend's hosted session is that you can only see sessions that are hosted in the same region as you. This means you may not be able to see a friend's hosted session if they live very far away from you. To join a distant friend's session, you may need to change your Steam download region to match theirs, which will allow you to view hosted sessions in that region. To do this,?follow this handy guide!

If you know your friend's sessions name, you can search globally for the session by using the search bar found above the session list. This should bring up your friend's session no matter their region.?Make sure to search for the session name exactly as it is written, including any symbols, numbers, punctuation, and abbreviations.

Additionally, you may not be able to see full sessions.

There is no option to host a dedicated server yet, however it is something we are looking into providing potentially in the future.

No! Players do not need to own any DLC in order to join the Convoy multiplayer mode. However, just remember that you will not be able to see or drive in DLC map areas if you do not own them yourself.

Yes! You can use the default hotkey of 'Z' to enable and disable nametags in Convoy! If you wish to change this hotkey, you can do so in the options found in your main menu. It even works when using the photo studio to take a group photo together!

Convoy sessions have the option of setting a speed limit ON for the entire session by default. However, hosts have the option of turning this off, if they so wish to. In that case, the speed limiter will follow your local settings. Just remember that World of Trucks contracts enforce the speed limit on all jobs, regardless of the option set by the host.

Convoy is a game feature available since version 1.41, it is not a separate update line. Of course, it's totally up to you whether you use the feature or not.

There may be valid reasons for players to stay with an older version of the game, perhaps temporarily until a mod important to them catches up, and for this reason, we are providing?branches?of important previous updates of our games on Steam. By default, Steam updates the games automatically, so you may consider opting out of these automatic updates if this is a concern. However, please note that all further updates to both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator will contain the Convoy multiplayer feature. This means that if you do not plan on updating, you will not get any further updates, content, and fixes and that version 1.40 will be your final stop.?

If you want to use and play on the Convoy multiplayer mode, you MUST be on the latest version of the game (1.41 or higher).

The Convoy multiplayer mode is more demanding than single-player because it renders a higher number of player trucks. Because of this, it is normal to experience a lower?frames per second?(FPS). However, if your FPS numbers are suspiciously low, reach out to our support email at?support@scssoft.com with a detailed description of your problem.

Our programmers are pursuing several lines of optimizations to improve performance overall and also in multiplayer-specific context, but it may take several more game updates until these code improvements are ready.

Yes, as soon as the host of the session leaves, the server will be closed and this will disconnect?all players from the server. If this happens unexpectedly, do not panic, as you will be greeted with options to proceed with the progress you've made in the session, or to revert it if you so wish to (for reasons such as the loss of in-game currency, damage, or other progress reasons).?

Note that if you accept the progress, you will remain wherever you were when the session ended, effectively finding yourself back in singleplayer mode. From there, you can once again create a new session and continue with either the same or a different group of people if you wish to do so.

If you wish to unban players, you need to go into your "profiles" folder in the respective ATS/ETS2 folders in documents, select the exact profile where the ban happened and find a text file called "banlist". Open the file with a text editor and remove the line with the banned user. You will have to restart the Convoy session afterward.

While the Convoy sessions are hosted by the players themselves, one player always works as a server and therefore acts as a junction for other players. Everyone else communicates with this particular server in the end. More specifically it is the usual client-server communication layout with all clients having authority over specific objects.


We hope this answers the majority of the most frequently asked questions by our community about Convoy! We love seeing you drive and deliver together and we hope to see more of your photos & video content shared with us on our social media channels (Facebook,?Twitter,?Instagram). Happy Trucking!

    以上就是本篇文章【ETS2/ATS—联运常见问答】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://www.riyuangf.com/quote/18010.html 
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